FRACTALIA REMOTE SYSTEMS S.L., the website manager, hereinafter the MANAGER or FRACTALIA, hereby makes this document available to users in order to comply with the obligations set out in Law 34/2002 of 11 July on E-Commerce and Information Society Services (ECISSA), and to inform all users of the website about the conditions of use.
Everybody who accesses the website is considered a user and agrees to adhere to, and strictly comply with, the regulations stated herein, and any other applicable legal regulations.
FRACTALIA reserves the right to amend any information that may be published on the website and is under no obligation to give users any advance notice or to notify users of these obligations, and their publication on the FRACTALIA website is deemed sufficient.
Domain name:
Trade name: FRACTALIA
NIF: B82513425
Business address: 2ª Planta C/Ronda de Poniente 2, Edif 8, Polígono Empresarial Euronova, 28760 Tres Cantos (MADRID)
Tel: +34 917 994 070
Companies Register of Madrid; Book 14.699 section 8 Sheet 223, Page M-243866
The website and, including but not limited to, the following: its programming, editing, compiling, and other elements required for it to function, designs, logos, text and/or graphics, are the property of the MANAGER, or it has a licence or the express permission of the authors, as applicable. All website content is duly protected by intellectual and industrial property law and is recorded in the corresponding public records.
Regardless of the purpose for which they are used, their total or partial reproduction, use, operation, distribution and commercialisation requires advance written authorisation from the MANAGER at all times. Any unauthorised use without obtaining prior permission shall be deemed a serious infringement of the author’s intellectual or industrial copyright.
Designs, logos, text and/or graphics that do not belong to the MANAGER and that may be published on the website belong to their respective owners, who are liable for any disputes that may arise in relation to this content.
The MANAGER acknowledges the corresponding intellectual and industrial copyright of this content’s owners; its mention or publication on the website does not imply that the MANAGER has any rights to, nor is liable for, the content, and nor does it support, sponsor or recommend it.
To discuss any possible intellectual or industrial copyright infringement, or to make any other comments regarding website content, please email
The MANAGER is exempt from any liability related to information published on its website provided that it did not have effective knowledge that the information had been handled or published by an independent third party or, if was it aware, it acted diligently to remove the information or make it impossible to access.
Use of cookies
The website may use technical cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of anyone who accesses the website) to perform specific functions that are deemed essential for the website to function and so it can be viewed correctly. These cookies are always temporary and used for the exclusive purpose of making browsing more efficient. They are deleted when the user’s session ends. Under no circumstances do these cookies provide personal data and they will not be used to gather this type of data.
Cookies may also be used for the server that hosts the website to recognise the browser used by the user to make browsing easier, permitting, for example, access by previously registered users to areas, services, promotions and competitions that are exclusively reserved for them, so they are not required to register each time they visit. Cookies may also be used to measure visitor numbers, traffic parameters, to control the progress and number of visitors, etc. In this case, these cookies are technically non-essential but they are beneficial to users. The website will not install non-essential cookies without users’ prior consent.
Users can configure their browser so that they are warned when cookies are received and can prevent them from being installed on their hard drive. Please check your browser’s instructions for further information on how to do this.
Links policy
Users may be redirected from this website to content on third party websites. The MANAGER cannot always control the content published by third parties on their websites and shall not be held liable for any of their content. It will always immediately remove any content that may contravene Spanish or international legislation, morality and public order, and will immediately delete the link to the website, notifying the relevant authorities about this content.
The MANAGER shall not be held liable for information and content that includes, but is not limited to, the following: forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social media and any other means that allows third parties to independently publish content on the MANAGER’s website. However, to comply with articles 11 and 16 of the ECISSA, it will make itself available to all users, authorities and law enforcement bodies, and actively collaborate to remove or block, as applicable, any content that may infringe or contravene Spanish or international law, third party rights, morality and public order. In the event that a user believes that there is content on the website that falls into this category, they are requested to inform the website administrator of this situation immediately.
This website has been checked and tested to ensure it functions correctly. It should normally function properly 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, the MANAGER does not rule out the possibility that there may be the occasional programming error, or force majeure events, natural catastrophes, strikes or similar circumstances that make accessing the website impossible.
IP addresses
The website server will automatically detect the IP address domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the internet. This information is recorded in a server activity file so that it can subsequently be processed for the sole purpose of gathering statistical measurements. These measurements are used to find out the number of page impressions, visits to website servers, the order of visits, access points, etc.
Spanish law will be applied to resolve any disputes or issues related to the website and the activities developed therein; the parties expressly submit to this law, and the Courts and Tribunals of the USER’S address, or the place of performance of the obligation, will be the relevant authorities used to resolve any disputes related to the website’s use.
Fractalia has more than 15 years’ experience and a solid international presence, operating in 12 countries worldwide. We offer cutting-edge technology, experience and proximity to innovate and grow with our customers.
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